Cameroon Beaches

Cameroon Beaches are some of the best beaches in Africa. Although the beaches in Cameroon are not fully developed to meet their full potentials, the beaches are however great and attract lots of people from all over the world.

Cameroon has an extensive coastline and could boast for as many beaches as possible. However, it's worth nothing that the best beaches in the country are located in only two of the countries many towns and cities. These two towns include Limbe and Kribi. This page carries extensive information on these two beach towns and their beaches.

Limbe Beach

Limbe is a great beach and port city. Previously known as Victoria, it is located on the slopes of Mount Cameroon, where Lava from the great mountain flows directly into the Atlantic Ocean.

Limbe is known as the Town of Friendship. It's very pretty and surrounded by rolls and rolls of oil palms, which were planted during the colonial days.

The town has many restaurants, nightclubs and hotels located closest to the Atlantic Ocean. The town also has a small botanic garden and a museum, not far away from the garden. These attract visitors from all over.

Limbe is very accessible. It's connected to Douala and Buea, some of the best towns and cities in the country.

Thousands of people flock to the beach everyday and walk the long stretch of coastline, swim or bask in the beautiful sun. The Sun shines most during the months of November through April and is the best time to visit.

Kribi Beach

Kribi Beach is also one of the best Cameroon Beaches. It is located in the South Region of the country. It's famous for it's beautiful beaches and relaxing atmosphere. It is known that many influential people in the country go there to relax and have fun.

In Kribi, you will find accommodation in almost all price category.

The town is fantastic with great surroundings.

The beach shapes people's daily lives. A waterfall, the Lobe waterfalls flows straight into ocean.

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Cameroon Beaches : Which is the best? 
I am visiting Cameroon in December 2012. I have read about Cameroon beaches and a bit confused on which to visit. I will really want to visit one of the …

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