Cameroon Jobs: Find a Job in Cameroon

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Welcome to our page on Cameroon Jobs. If you are here, it's surely because you are unemployed or want to get a new job. Yes, you must have realised that our world is becoming very competitive. With more and more people joining the the Cameroon job market,  and less people leaving it, it's become very difficult to obtain a job.

Cameroon is blessed with modest oil resources. It also has a favourable agricultural atmosphere and other resources which could make it one of the best countries in Sub Sahara Africa. However, it still faces serious problems such as stagnant per capita income, inequitable distribution of income, an unfavourable business climate, high unemployment, corruption etc.

All these scare away foreign investors and kill local initiatives which could boast the economy.

Jobs that were originally difficult to get a few years ago have now become very difficult to find.

However, with the right education, finding a job in Cameroon is  not as hard as you think.  

This page has been created to assist you find the job of your dreams, whether in Cameroon or abroad.

It will:

  • Identify jobs that Cameroonians can apply, both at home and abroad.
  • Point Cameroonians to training programs that can be beneficial to them in one way or another, especially as concerns looking for and applying for a job.
  • Identify all companies, institutions and service providers that recruit from time to time.

Job Listing - Available Jobs

Here, you will find information on available jobs in Cameroon. Check from time to time. We upload jobs subject to availability. So, you have to check from time to time to be able to find a job.

 Job Opportunity Apply Now Deadline 25-02-2013

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Bilingual Marketing & Sales Officer Needed in Douala 
Visionary Technologies Company (VTC), an innovation centered-technology firm in Cameroon.VTC envisages a world where technology takes the lead in innovation …

Disguise Job Market  Not rated yet
There are lots and lots of graduates with good certificates in Cameroon looking for jobs on daily basis. Most of them especially new graduates have …

The Future of jobs in Cameroon Not rated yet
Unemployment is a normal phenomenon that every country experiences at any point in time be it developed or underdeveloped. The unemployment rate of Cameroon …

Job Opportunity: Nanny Needed in Buea, Cameroon Not rated yet
Nanny Needed in Buea, Cameroon. 05-05-2013 We need a nanny to assist care for our elderly mom. The nanny will be welcome to a loving and responsible …

New Jobs at Nkong Credit for Development, (NC4D) Cameroon. Not rated yet
Our micro finance institution, NC4D, has opened new branches in Kumba, Douala, Munyenge and is recruiting marketing agents to work in these towns as …

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