The Future of jobs in Cameroon

by Ngong Charlotte Nabain
(Buea Cameroon)

Unemployment is a normal phenomenon that every country experiences at any point in time be it developed or underdeveloped. The unemployment rate of Cameroon can only be addressed from its educational system. Cameroonians need to be taught on career development. People go through school hardly aware of what the future holds for them and when they graduate, they start facing the toughness of life because of unemployment. It is then most Cameroonians start defining their career path.

If Cameroonians do not turn their eyes off Government concours and hold on to Entrepreneurship, there will be no emerging country by 2035. No country has ever become developed through Government jobs, but with the initiatives of the private sector and the Government.

I have witnessed for about five years now that graduates roam the streets not because they are not qualified for employment but because they do not know how to present themselves to employers in a winning style. We need to go further from where our teachers and lecturers left us in school before we can make life worth living.

Visit Ferdsilinks Career Center, Buea for your winning CVs, Cover letters, Interview techniques, public speaking trainings, etc or visit our website and you will see more on career development that will be of help to you. You can also email us for speaking engagements if any or send your comment on

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