Cameroon Questions and Answers

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  1. Ask any question about Cameroon. If you are looking for any kind of information not provided on this website, this is your opportunity to ask it. Your question may be on Cameroon's Economy, Cameroon's Education or health, Cameroon Geography or History, Hotels and accommodation, just to name a few. Your question can be on anything you've ever wanted to know but didn't know where to find it.
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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Special Cameroon 
Hi,could I ask what is especially in Cameroon or what is interesting in this country? I need to know something what's not in another African country..thanks …

Dr. Kenneth Terry Not rated yet
I am interested in visiting Cameroon. I am a licensed clinical clinician, who has practiced psycho therapy. Are there psycho-therapist in private practice? …

What does 'Walla Halla' mean? Not rated yet
I'm trying to find the meaning for a phrase a friend from Cameroon used recently, and am not having much luck. I guess it's a slang term. Any help would …

Materials in Bambui Not rated yet
Hi, I was wondering if i could get some further information on certain materials located in or near Bambui. Does Bambui have a bike store or blacksmith? …

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