Garoua Town, Cameroon
A very unique town in the Northern Regions of Cameroon

Garoua is the capital town of the North Region of Cameroon. it is situated less than 200 kilometers from Maroua, the capital town of the Far North Region. The two towns have lots of similarities in terms of the ethnic groups that live in them. This town is the birth place of the first president of the country; Ahmadou Ahidjo.

This town was formerly the capital of what was referred to as the grand North which included the Adamawa, the Norh and Far North regions of today. The grand north was split into the three northern regions in 1983. This town is a tourist site. It has an international airport that serves as a stop over for pilgrims from Mecca. The greatest mosque in the northern part of the country is found in this town.

The town has a population of about 200 000 inhabitants. It is the centre of business for people who do business with Nigeria and other neighboring countries. It is also a good tourist destination for those interested in seeing the lamidos and their palaces.

The town is also one of the most prosperous agricultural centers in the country. It is host to one of the most renowned agricultural firms involved in the production of cotton (SODECOTON). Besides this firm, other primary products exist like sorghum, onions, maize etc. Most of its inhabitants are involved in grazing cattle, goats and sheep. For this reason, strategies have been put in place by the government to improve on its productivity through the creation of a national laboratory and veterinary (Lanavet).

Garoua Town: Tourist Attractions

The North province of Cameroon is a tourist hub. The town is an oasis of Green in the heart of the bush. It's surrounded by National Parks and beautiful mountains. To the North lies the Waza National Park and the Kapsiki region, to the South the Benue National Park, the Bouba Njida National Park and the Faroe Reserve.  Thousands of tourist from all over the world flock to this region to enjoy the rich culture that it offers.

The region also has highly respected traditional rulers, called the Lamidos who are the custodian of a very rich culture.

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