-- Cameroon Facts --
Cameroon was first colonised by the Germans in 1884. However, German colonial rule did not last long, as they were defeated during the First World War and all their colonies confiscated from them.
After the war, Cameroon was placed under Britain and France, as a League of Nations Mandate. At first, Britain and France wanted a condominium or a joint administration in Cameroon. This didn't work. The failure of a condominium resulted to the partition of Cameroon. France received 4/5 of the territory while Britain received on 1/5. |
Britain administered her own region as part of the Eastern Region of Nigeria, while France administered French Cameroon as an independent entity or territory on its own. In 1960, French Cameroon became independent. In 1961, British Southern Cameroon decided to gain independence by joining French Cameroon. Both territories became The Federal Republic of Cameroon. In 1972, The Federal Republic of Cameroon became The United Republic of Cameroon and later became the Republic of Cameroon.
Name of Country: Cameroon (Eng) Cameroun (Fch)
Location: Central Africa, bording the Bight of Biafra, between Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria.
Neighboring Countries: Central African Republic 797 km, Chad 1,094 km, Republic of the Congo 523 km, Equatorial Guinea 189 km, Gabon 298 km, Nigeria 1,690 k.
Area: 475, 440 sq km
Pop: 20, 129, 898 (2012 estimates)
Population Growth Rate: 2.082 per cent (2012 estimates)
Birth Rates: 32. 49 birth/1000 population.
Death Rates: 11.66 deaths/1000 population.
Life Expectancy: 54.71
-Male: 53.82
-Female: 55. 63
Major Cities:
- Douala: 2.053 million people
- Yaounde: 1.739million people. (2009 estimates)
Republic, Multiparty presidential Regime.
Capital: Yaounde
Administration: Country divided into ten regions: Adamaoua, Centre, Est, Extreme-Nord, Littoral, Nord, North-West, Ouest, Sud, South-West
Independence: 1 January 1960 (for areas formerly ruled by France) and 1 October 1961 (for area formerly ruled by Britain).
National Day: 20 May (1972)
Flag: Green, Red, Yellow, with a yellow star in the middle.
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