Douala Airport, Cameroon

--- Douala Airport ---

Douala is the capital of the Littoral region, the economic capital of Cameroon and also the largest city in Cameroon. It has one of the busiest Airports, an international airport in the country. The airport is located about 10 km (or six miles) from the city of Douala. The airport is a public/Military type operated by the ADC (Aéroport du Cameroon). The Airport serves the population of Douala in particular and Cameroon in general. Thousands of people use the airport for travels within and out of the country.

It has an elevation of 10m (04o00΄21˝N) on coordinates 009o43΄10˝E Coordinates: 04o00΄21˝N 009o43΄10˝E with a direction of 12/30 and 2853m (i.e. about 9359 ft)

The Douala international Airport is host to many Airlines including the following; Air côte d’voire, Air France, Arik Air, ASKY Airline, Benin Golf Air, Brussels Airlines, Camair-Co, CEIBA Intercontinental, Cronos Airlines, Ethiopian Airlines, Kenya Airways, Region Air, etc.

These Airlines fly to countries to and from Africa, USA, Europe and Asia.

Apart from the Douala Airport, there are others in the country like; Yaoundé Nsimalen, Bali, Bamenda, Dschang, Ebolowa, Kaélé, Foumban, Nkounja, Bertoua, Garoua, Limbe, Mamfe, Nkongsamba, Ngaoundéré, Kribi, Salak, Tiko, Yagoua, Batouri, and Bafoussam, etc.

Travelling out of or returning to Cameroon is a 'big deal'. Families and friends flock into the airport to bid farewell or welcome their relatives. As such, the airport is always crowded. Beware of thieves, who hang around the entrance and exit points waiting for opportunities to make a 'deal'.

Arranging for pick-up before arrival can be a good idea and many good hotels are close by.

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