Kumba Town, South West Region, Cameroon

Kumba town is the biggest town in the Southwest region of Cameroon. It is also known allover the country as “K” town and is the capital of the Meme Division.

According to the 2005 population census, 144,268 were known to reside in this part of the country. It is a trade centre for cacao and oil palms. Also located in the town is a timber industry.

The town is a local road junction. This makes it one of the main commercial towns in the Anglophone region of the country. Commercial activities in town have attracted the interest of foreigners (Nigerians-the Igbos), who are controlling a greater percentage of the town's main market.

The main activities of the people of this town are farming and trading.

Most major roads to the provincial interior radiate from town, running to the Nigerian border at Mamfe, the Korup National Park at Mundemba, and Mount Koupe to the east.

The most geographical attraction in K-town is the Barombi Mbo, a large crater lake which is located about 2km northwest of the central town.

The town is the terminal of a branch railway of the country’s railway company-Camrail coming in from the country’s economic capital, Douala.

The municipality is locally controlled by a government-appointed mayor (called the Government Delegate) and the paramount local chief, Mukete.

Many people in the town speak some English, some French or the local Pidgin English. The local language also spoken by the indigenes is at least one of a variety of indigenous languages including Bafaw of the Bafaw ethnic group (who are the indigenes) or Bakossi.

Travel Information

The town is well connected to the rest of the country.

You can travel land to the various parts of the South West Region. There is a road running to the Nigerian border at Mamfe.

Kumba is also a terminal of the National Railway (CAMRAIL)

Most people travel by public transport, offered by numerous travel agencies in the country.

Tourist Attractions

The town is a commercial town. Tourists will be pleased to experience marketing strategies adopted by the population of this town.

But there is also an attraction. The biggest tourist attraction is the Barombi Mbo (Lake Barombi), a large crater lake which is located about 2km northwest of the central town.


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