Job Opportunity: Nanny Needed in Buea, Cameroon

by All-About-Cameroon

Nanny Needed in Buea, Cameroon. 05-05-2013

We need a nanny to assist care for our elderly mom. The nanny will be welcome to a loving and responsible home and will be treated with love and respect.

We will provide room and board, plus a monthly salary negotiable depending on qualification. The min salary will be at the prevailing nurse assistant rate in Cameroon.
The prospective nanny should:
* preferably be female of at least 20 years old
* love and have patience with the elderly
* be responsible and dedicated to fulfilling a contract assignment
* be healthy and have a friendly personality
* be able to relocate, live and work in Buea vicinity
* not have a criminal background
* be committed to working for at least 3 months to about 1 year or more ...

If you know someone who may be interested, please, send me a private email with the person's contact information; or give me a call.

Please, help spread the word and assist us in any way possible to secure the needed help ASAP. Send a private mail to or or call 237-7769-2650 in Cameroon or 608-239-3994 in the USA.

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