AMOUR MEZAM-Transport Agency, Cameroon

TELPHONE: (+237) 33 36 37 55
FAX: (+237) 33 36 23 39

This is the most reliable and confident bus service company in the country. They provide travelling services to people travelling to and from all parts of the country.
Their aim is to provide quality, reliable and safe services, with courtesy, that value your money.

They offer the following services: transport services that value your money for all and a range of discounts that can save you more, their Journey times ensure that less time is spent to travel, they have modern coaches that offer safe and comfortable environments to its clients, they endeavor to get their clients to where they want to go and at the time they want to be there, they constantly strive to make their services better, they own and operate many bus stations in different parts of the country. They have well trained staff in each of their bus stations who take care of customer service.

They provide bus rental/hire services to groups to and from any destination within the country.
They have luxurious buses, offering high standards of safety and comfort. They have invested in the best modern technology of buses and their drivers constantly undergo special training sessions to provide best possible services to their clients.

Their buses are routinely inspected and maintained by a team of skilled technicians on a 24/24 hour basis. They also have back-up services that is why they are unique in the field. They have a duty conscious and dedicated team of drivers, office staff, servicing and cleaning personnel.
Their branch offices are found in major towns in the country such as: Mutengene, Ndop, Buea, Mbouda, Yaounde, Douala, Fundong and Kumbo.

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