Awing, a Hidden Gem in Cameroon

by T P Monji

Awing: A tourist Haven in Cameroon.

Awing: A tourist Haven in Cameroon.

Awing, a Hidden Gem in Cameroon

Awing conjures up images of fearless adventurers, hidden treasures, exotic spices, and enchanting Arabian princesses. Just the mention of this place evokes memories of childhood tales and thrilling escapades. The valleys of Awing, with their aromatic farms, sprawling cattle ranches, colossal rocks, mysterious caves, lush vegetation, and resilient people, create a paradise of beauty, melody, and romance that begs to be immortalized in poetry. Its history is etched in stone.

Awing is a testament to the endurance of its inhabitants, with its undulating landscape and houses perched on hilltops. The forest reserve surrounding Lake Awing is home to the revered Bannermansturaco, a striking bird with vibrant red feathers. Awing embraces extremes, offering visitors a chance to experience traditional music, captivating dances, ancient history, breathtaking hills, and rare wildlife.

The warm-hearted villagers are always eager to share their rich heritage and accompany visitors on tours around the fondom. Exploring ancient ruins, vibrant markets, and architectural marvels adds to the enchantment of this land. The well-connected road network ensures that almost every home can be easily reached by vehicle. The remote areas of the fondom are gradually being developed to cater to tourists, with the expansion of the Bamenda highlands forest conservation project serving as a catalyst for attracting visitors.

Awing flourishes with agriculture and teems with wildlife. The diverse ethnic groups, including those from Bafut and Bamenkumbit, coexist peacefully and are united by a shared Awing culture. Despite their differences, they are a proud and welcoming people, inviting the world to discover the beauty of their destination. While somewhat secluded, a magnificent plank bridge now connects Awing to the mainland, opening up new possibilities.

Another mesmerizing area, "ALA-AMETI," showcases the staggering physical diversity of Awing. Endless rolling savannahs, misty mountains, and serene valleys, with a salt spring at "Aka'a," create a breathtaking backdrop that changes with every step of the safari.

Why travel across Cameroon to witness varying landscapes when Awing, a predominantly "Bororo" settlement, offers an abundance of natural wonders in one place? Visitors are embraced by the gentle breeze that whispers across the captivating landscape, carrying them to distant realms bordering the fondom.

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Sep 27, 2013
The land of my birth
by: Ateh Solomon Pemamboh

Oh yes, Awing is the land of glory and peaceful people very kind hearted and hospitality is their motto. It is the land of my fore fathers. How I love this land only God can tell
God bless my land
God bless Awing

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