by Tangwing Pius Monji



This is reputedly the best hotel in town. When it was built, it must have been very nice - a typical concrete hotel from a few decades ago.

However, it could do with a major refurbishment. Expect peeling paint in the bathrooms, fittings that are falling apart and cold water only. The rooms are OK, but only one local TV...

Within the northwest city of Bamenda, Ayaba Hotel stands as a three star hotel, near the hilly areas of Station-Bamenda, between the city's Roman Catholic Cathedral and Progressive Secondary School (PSS). Here, the foot of Station Hill gives easy access to the commercial centres and admistrative units. The hotel, saw its main façade, looks a liner to be discovered at the bend of the street when you walk in the town of Bamenda Free parking is available. Free parking is available. Our receptionists are all bilingual and sometimes multilingual. Our receptionists are all bilingual and multilingual sometimes. Attractions to visit include, hotel rooms and suites, Miyah Bar, the restaurant and the Grill, the Night Club, the Banquet Hall, conference halls, the picturesque swimming pool, etc.

Attractions to visit include, hotel rooms and suites, Miyah Bar, the restaurant and the Grill, the Night Club, the Banquet Hall, conference halls, the picturesque swimming pool, and so on.

With a capacity of one hundred rooms including five suites, Comfortable and spacious, the 100 rooms including 05 suites are equipped with TV sets coulored linked to 02 satellite dishes 10 channels, a radio and a video system.Comfortable and spacious rooms are equipped with color television sets, which receive the programs of national television channels and international.A video is also available, as well as programmes radio. A video is also available, as well as radio programs.

Standard Room services

* Air Conditioning

Accomodation facilities

* Bar/Café,
* Meetings Room,
* Restaurant,
* Accepts Credit Cards

Leisure facilities

* Swimming Pool,
* Tennis

Ayaba Hotel in Bamenda, one of the toursitic destinations in Cameroon has been modernized. The most interesting thing is that this hotel has witnessed a lot of infrastructural development within the past three months.

According to the Director of Ayaba Hotel, Jean Baba, the government of Cameroon through the Minister of Tourism Baba Hamadou disbursed funds to ensure a stress less accommodation of guests during the 50th anniversary of the nation’s Armed Forces that took place in Bamenda last December 2010. In effect, Minister Baba Hamadou made sure that renovation work in Ayaba hotel was done in order to modernize the three-star hotel. Reasons why according to Ayaba Director Jean Baba, the state treasury disbursed over cfa 500 million to give a face lift with the construction of a security fence, replace dilapidated kitchen equipment, change Lifts, tiling of floors, renovation of the swimming pool, ensure hitch free telephone communication facilities, renovate and equip the bar and acquire a standby generator with the ability to carry the hotel's installations.

Besides, it should be noted that workers of the hotel have been paid salary arrears. Ayaba Hotel it should be noted under Jean Baba has been transformed into a citadel of standard in Cameroon. Some of the worries that were usually expressed by costumers have been eradicated according to its management. Presenting, Ayaba Hotel is being described as the number one in the North West Region of Cameroon in term of its services and accommodation facilities

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