Cameroon Government Unintentionally Popularises the Music Track 'Coller La Petite'

coller la petite

coller la petite

Cameroon Government Unintentionally Popularises Coller La Petite

Coller La Petite, a club hit by producer Franko, has gone viral, after the track was banned in Frako’s native region of Bafoussam, in the West Region of the country.

It was banned for promoting incest and other indecent behaviour which are illegal and unacceptable in the country.

Coller la Petite (Hold her close) also loosely translates as ''hold on tight to the girl''.

The tracks video is shot in a club full of ‘indecent behaviour’ such as twerking derrieres and trusty pelvises. But the biggest problem in the clip is that Frank encourages viewers to ‘coller la petite’ even if it’s your sister, your cousin or your aunt. As such authority view it as bad behaviour and shouldn’t be accepted.

However, the ban has given the already popular track more exposure. It has become a household name in Cameroon and one of the most popular Cameroon music videos on Youtube with views jumping from a few hundred thousand to more than two million views just a few days after the ban.

What is your opinion? Do you think the authorities were just banning this track?

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May 24, 2016
Best hit ever
by: Anonymous

Nothing wrong with this clip. It's amazing. The center province bitkusi is what should be banned. Good job Franco.

Nov 08, 2015
coller la petit
by: Anonymous

it should be ban through out the national territory

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