Cameroon News: Cameroon in the Month of January 2015

by M D Zigo

Paul Biya, President of Cameroon

Paul Biya, President of Cameroon

What made top news in Cameroon in January 2015? A number of burning issues dominated the news- from Boko Haram to road accidents, embezzlement and corruption, etc.

At the beginning of the month, which was also the beginning of the year, Cameroonians, especially political analysts, rushed to analyse President Biya's end of year message and new year wishes. The president's end of year speech had focused primarily on the Boko Haram terrorist organisation, its impacts on the country and efforts by the government to control it.

He called on the nation to mobilise and rally behind its defence forces. He also assured Cameroonians that the purport of the law on the suppression of terrorism which parliament passed by majority vote, was far from serving as a pretext of restricting liberties. While many analysts had issues with the message, others lauded the president's efforts in guaranteeing security and ensuring growth and development in the country.

It was in the month of January that the war against Boko Haram took different dimensions. Chad promised to join Cameroon in their efforts against the militant group. Early in the month, the group's leader threatened Cameroon/Paul Biya in a new video message on YouTube. The threat was followed by frequent, more dreadful attacks in Cameroon by the Nigerian terrorist organisation.

This prompted Cameroon president to call for more international support coordinated assistance to defeat the group, arguing that the group was a threat to peace and security in all countries.

It should be noted that the wife of Cameroon's Vice Prime Minister was kidnapped and later released in 2014. The group has seized dozens of towns and villages in North East Nigeria and repeatedly controlled the border areas of the Borno State with Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon.

The group that literally translate as ''Western education is forbidden'' began sending growing fighters into neighbouring Cameroon in late 2014.

In Cameroon, the impacts of the group has been greatly felt, especially around the border towns between Cameroon and Nigeria in the Far North Region. Locals have been displaced, civilians have been killed and the UN is warning of a humanitarian disaster as a result of refugee influx into Cameroon as a result of the conflict.

In a conference on January 22, at the International Relations Institute of Cameroon (IRIC) the Director of Customs hinted the diabolic activities of the group caused the government to lose about 2 billion francs CFA in 2014.

Another top news in the month of January was on corruption and embezzlement. Mr. Polycap Abah Abah, former director of taxation, and others, were found guilty of embezzling over FCFA 6billions. Such acts were committed between 1998 and 2004. Abah Abah received a 25 year prison term. Over 30 landed property were confiscated from him amongst many other punishment.

Lastly, Cameroon roads continued to devour citizens. One of the victims of road accidents in the month of January was the popular CPDM MP, Big Wig and Mayor of Douala V Council, Madam Fonning.

The above were not the only top news items in Cameroon in the month of January 2015. Please, use the comment form below to add any news that occurred in January 2015, worth sharing here.

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