General Manager

General Manager

The North West Development Authority was created by presidential decree No 81/350 of 13/08/81.

Its main aims of creation (two of them) were to:

1- Oversee on behalf of the Cameroon Government, the implementation of rural development projects approved for the then North West Province (now North West Region) and

2- To respond to the slow pace of development owing to the fact that its inhabitants were involved in subsistence farming that could not back up their needs since the province at the time did not have any mineral resources and industries that could create employment facilities.

Since 1982 it has coordinated the implementation of two giant projects: simply called Mideno phase I and Mideno phase II-R.

The activities of Mideno involve:
- Assisting the rural population to improve their living conditions

- Coordinating activities of key stakeholders in rural development in the region.
Over time, they have been given the mandate to oversee, coordinate rural development efforts, mounting and supervision of projects.

However, despite its numerous achievements, not all the corners of the region have felt their impact due to some perennial problems which the Government of Cameroon is working hard to redress.

Their funding partners are, the African Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and the Cameroon Government.

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