CODEDSOFT, Bamenda, Cameroon


CODEDSOFT, Bamenda, Cameroon

CODEDSOFT, Bamenda, Cameroon

BERNER HEERWEG: 179 22159 HAMBURG, GERMANY +4917623982901

This is a unique, high quality, reliable standard software institution for the management of all activities and processes in an educational institution. Teachers now concentrate on their teaching activities. The software takes care of the entire management from the registration and calculation of examination marks, printing of report cards to the management of the entire institution’s finances.

The software provides in a nutshell the following features:
- It replaces and facilitates the complete daily manual works in an educational institution
- All students and professors register in the system. The system assigns and ID
- Examination marks, student’s positions, class averages automatically calculated
- Proactively eliminates human errors, fraudulent activities, provides high security for students’, teachers and institutions data. Data can be kept as long as desired.
- Schools, teachers and examination time tables, public holidays are managed by the software. Time tables can be automatically generated.
- Students records and consequences are tracked by the system
- The institution’s fees situation and accounts can be managed.
- Dismissals, promotions, failures are managed by the entire system
- University certificates can be generated and managed by the system
- It can print report cards, class lists, examination result list with a simple button click
- They entire institutions and students data for each academic year are saved and achieved
- It provides the option for the installation of fee payment and rubic fee system
- Examination results can be graphically analysed

CODEDSOFT is simply a modern technology that the Cameroon educational system has to benefit from it. Students will be given the options to know and learn the software. They will have the possibility to actively take part in its development in the future.

CODEDSOFT provides institutions with trained personnel to help install the software and train their personnel.

Schools in the North West region of Cameroon are already using the software in the management of their institutions

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