


Ecobank is the only bank that provides the comprehensive range of financing solutions for multinationals, governments, parastatals and SMEs that is expected of a world-class integrated investment bank.

The development of Ecobank Capital is a logical progression for the Group, harnessing all its in-house experience and expertise in capital markets to deliver a sophisticated range of services that our growing international clients demand. Ecobank adopts a holistic approach to investment banking. It benefits from operational synergies and efficiencies, whilst their clients value a “one-stop-shop” approach to investing in Africa.

Ecobank is the only bank to trade in Middle Africa’s 16 currencies, they have over 30 years’ experience in pan-African deal origination and execution, they provide buy-side advisory services to enable their clients to capitalize on investment opportunities in Africa and their research team is based on the ground in key African markets to provide market intelligence with a unique local perspective.

They are passionate about Africa, and their team of seasoned analysts based across Ecobank’s 34-country footprint draws on its extensive local knowledge to provide insights for clients and identify investment opportunities. Their focus is on Middle Africa – the region between North Africa and the Rand Zone, which has the richest potential for growth. They produce regular market updates, briefing notes and detailed studies on the region’s macroeconomics, currencies, fixed income, equities, commodities and trade.

Their research Centre is dedicated to providing the highest quality research for their clients to help them navigate the complex African marketplace.

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