EDEA, Cameroon

This is an industrial town with a population of over 300 000 inhabitants. It is a stop over on the Douala-Yaounde highway where a lot of people traveling along this road stop and buy certain things for themselves. Infact, Most Cameroonian cities owe tribute to Edea because it is the main supplier of Hydro electrical Power in Cameroon.

Edea is important for the two hydro electric dams found there (one is visible from the road on the old bridge built that was built by the Germans before the First World War and another at Songloulou. Three quarters of the electricity produced by the first dam was used directly in the Aluminum industry found there (ALUCAM). This industry was a driving force in the economy in Edea because it employed a total of over 1000 workers.

The town of Edea is dominated by two ethnic groups (the Bassa and the Bakoko) because of its location between Yaounde and Douala which has however exposed it to an influx of people from diverse ethnic backgrounds. It has lots and lots of attractions, hotels, banks and a very good transport network. The town also has a vast expanse of plantations (especially palm plantations) visible from the main road to and from Douala.

Edea hosts the main dam that the lone electricity cooperation in Cameroon has its power plant This power plant generates electricity and supplies to the entire country and some central African countries.

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