by Tangwing

P.O.BOX 96
TEL.: +237 33 32 31 09
MOBILE: +237 77 75 68 81

Green Cameroon is a NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATION (NGO). Environmental protection and conservation is its main domain of interest.

Its mission is to ensure sustainable development and a better planet for their children, by addressing major environmental and sustainable development issues identified in the communities.

Green Cameroon was founded in 2003 by a group of young Cameroonians who felt concerned about the level of environmental degradation and lack of interest and awareness on environmental issues that prevailed at the level of the population of Cameroon.

Green Cameroon was founded with a mission to conserve Cameroon’s rich biodiversity by working on practical solutions to solve nature conservation problems. They pay close attention to sustainable development, rural community livelihood and contemporary environmental issues.

It was formed with a strong commitment to fighting for environmental protection in the communities on issues like deforestation, desertification, unsustainable farming practices, improper waste management and waste disposal methods, water scarcity, health problems linked to sanitation and general lukewarm attitude towards environment and nature conservation issues. Green Cameroon helps local community members to live better lives by improving on living standards alongside making scarce resources available for posterity.

They work on promoting the exchange of good practices including indigenous practices used to address drought, desertification, floods and erosion. They are also interested in promoting initiatives for sustainable use and management of forest and other land resources with the involvement of local communities.

Green Cameroon focuses on;
• Environmental Education and Sensitization
• Natural resource management and Conservation
• Community Development and Environmental Rehabilitation
•Water and sanitation

•Advocacy and policy work at both national and international levels

•Consultancy and Research

•Providing environmental education on global and regional issues affecting Africa as well as environmental protection

•Increasing the ability of local populations to benefit and contribute to natural resource management and conservation.

•Promoting new and traditional approaches to increasing food production without losing on-farm biodiversity

•Focusing on activities that conserve and protect the local environment and helping to alleviate poverty for communities

•Organizing water and sanitation education at schools and health centers


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