
schools buea

schools buea

The Higher Institute of Professional Studies in a duly authorised professional university in Buea, South-West Region of Cameroon. The university offers a broad range of courses and has been producing some of the best results in the whole country.

It's courses include Accounting, Banking and Finance, Executive Secretarial Studies, Human Resource Management, Insurance, Law, Logistics and Transport Management, Management, Marketing, Public Administration, Information Technology, Language Courses and more.

The institution one of its kind in the region and remains one of the very limited few that is mentored by the prestigious University of Buea. Students have the flexibility to either study for a professional degree (B-Tech) or to study three years bachelor of science degree (Bsc) in any of the specialties listed above. The degrees are awarded by the prestigious University of Buea.
Our study body comprises of students from all over the world and many renowned professors of the University of Buea deliver lectures in HIPS and this sets our students apart. Furthermore, HIPS attracts visiting foreign lecturers from Great Britain, India and other countries.

Each year the best student is given huge school which can lead to further studies in one of our partner universities in Great Britain. In addition, we have several internship and employment agreements with large companies for our students.

In 2016, HIPS introduced the option of international internship so students can choose to do their internship in Cameroon or India with our partners. We are working to extend our range of international internships to include several other countries.

Our website is http://www.hips.world

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