EMAIL: kreo100@yahoo.co.uk

The Korup NATIONAL PARK is found between Mundemba and Eyumojock in the South West Region of Cameroon. It covers a surface area of about 1,260 square km.

It is Africa’s oldest diverse rainforest established in 1986 and its the only richest lowland site that host birds in Africa.

The Korup NATIONAL PARK is home to more than 600 species of trees and shrubs. More than 400 species of herbs and climbers, more than 400 species of birds 82 reptiles and 92 amphibians, about 1,000 species of butterflies and about 130 different species of fish and abouit 160 mammals have so far been recorded in the park. It should be noted that most of the plants found in the park are medicinal plants.

The Korup national park serves as a center for the conservation of plants and animals, most of which are endangered species found nowhere else in the world and also known for its wide range of colourful and unusual primates.

In the park there exist boat tours that can take you through the mangroves, creeks and fishing villages found along the river banks. Entrance rates into the park are as follows: 5.000FCFA for a tourist who is a non resident per day, 3.000FCFA for a tourist who is a resident per day and 1.500FCFA for a tourist who is a national per day.

Found in the park are tourist information center, Tourist Camps, Trails/Footpaths and the most admirable aspect of the park, the Suspension Footbridges. You can hire camping equipment for the period that you want to be in the park. The camping fee per tourist per night is 3.000FCFA.

It is very difficult to get access to the park by road, especially during the rainy season.
In the rainy season that is between August and October the road is almost completely cut off.

You can get to the park by road, by boat or by air. The road to the park is a seasonal road.
Mundemba town, the head quarters of the park disposes of a small airstrip owned and maintained by PAMOL Plantations Limited. It is a 1-2 hours flight from Yaoundé or Douala. Because of the partnership between the Park and PAMOL, the airstrip is open to those that can afford it.

By air you get to Mundemba in less than one hour from Yaoundé or Douala using a small six-sitter plane or helicopter. Arrangements can be organized for these flights with the SIL plane in the nation’s capital Yaoundé.

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