LNSoft SIMS (Student Information Management System)

by Nforndzi
(Buea, SWR Cameroon)

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LNSoft Logo

LNSoft SIMS is a full featured student information management system. It is database system software that captures all information of a student right from Admission all the way through graduation. Every single transaction in the form of attendance, marks, report card, discipline, billing and transcript is recorded and maintained over multiple years. A student's past information is available at few clicks of a mouse.

Some of the features are:
• Captures students information.
• Unlimited number of classes, specialties streams and subjects can be created.
• Teachers can be assigned subjects and given controlled access.
• Generates school timetable (For classes and teachers). Time table is modifiable with drag-and-drop functionality.
• Customizable grading system.
• Handles tuition fees and payment in installments is unlimited.
• Imports/exports student data as csv and excel format
• Handles pictures and compress to high quality formats.
• Pictures can be taken directly using webcam.
• Produces high quality Student Identity cards
• Prints Standard Reports cards (Sequence and Terminal), Class lists, Master sheet, Broad sheets, . . .
• Prints transcripts
• Users can be signed Visual themes.
• Navigation is easy and user friendly.

South West Region, Cameroon
(+237)7784 20 04

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