by Tangwing Pius

It is the headquarters of the Far North Region and is the most populated town in Cameroon. It is surrounded by mountains, that lie between in a form that can be described as a basin. This town is separated into two separate sections by River Kaliao. This river completely dries off during the dry season, due to recorded high temperatures of 50°C. and under such harsh temperatures it is difficult to find the tall dark people of this area wrapped in long white garments locally called ‘gandouras’, common on to the people of this area of the country.

Such intervention was necessary for the wellbeing of the Banks, hotels, travel agencies and handicraft/arts markets that have gained ground in the area. Maroua is a centre and meeting point for tourists, businessmen and people from neighboring Nigeria. It is also one of the greatest tourist destinations in Cameroon.

The dominant religion here is the Muslim faith, but other religions exist here in peaceful coexistence and tolerance.

Several routes exist; fueling the informal sector with goods but putting the government out of any fiscal benefits which could trickle out in the form of taxes. Such illegal trade has also increased the crime wave in the area especially on the Maroua-Kousseri highway where thieves some times station, stop vehicles and rob businessmen of all cash and some times goods. Some of these gangs are local residents meanwhile some are from Tchad. The government has over the years fought against this phenomenon and brought it to a tolerable state.

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