by Tangwing Pius

SECURITY: +237 7704 2705
ADMINISTRATOR: +237 7780 0681
EMAIL: mbingohb@yahoo.com

Mbingo Baptist Hospital is found in Mbingo village in Kom in the North West Region of Cameroon, from where the Hospital derived its name. It is the mother hospital from where other hospital have emerged and spread everywhere in the country.

As the name implies, it is owned by the Cameroon Baptist convention and managed by the Health Services Department of this Church. The Hospital started operating in 1952 as a Leprosy centre and the General Hospital became an up-shoot of the Leprosy Settlement 1965.

It provides health care services to citizens from all over the country because of its specialized medical staff. Their outstanding services include: General nursing, Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) surgery, general surgery, eye surgery, orthopedic surgery, surgical and internal medicine residency programs, vocational training and rehabilitation.

The following departments make up the Hospital: Chaplaincy, which is the most important department in the hospital, Eye Department services, Laboratory services, Surgical Services, Pharmacy services, Physiotherapy (PT) and Prosthetic services, Technical Services Department, Catering/Canteen services, TB Department, Care & Treatment Center, Community Based Rehabilitation services (CBR), Dental services.

The Hospital has over 570 staff members, a bed capacity of over 280, provides a complete package from outpatient consultation to inpatients services, runs a 24 hours service witnessing an annual average of 72,000 outpatients, a complicated security system for client’s, staff, and property safety.

Services provided include Leprosy, general consultations & Inpatient services, dental services, physiotherapy & Prosthetic services, pharmacy, imaging (X-Ray/Ultrasound), orthopaedic, ENT, Eye, and general surgeries, HIV/AIDS Prevention & Care Services, a referral laboratory, Pan African Academy of Christians Surgeons (PAACS) Program, Chaplaincy/Social services, Palliative Care, Christian Internal Medicine Specialization (CIMS), Catering Services and technical services.

The hospital is a referral hospital in Cameron and the West African Sub Region, it is an approved HIV/AIDS treatment center, it serves as a training centre for the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons (PAACS) and the Christian Internal Medicine Specialization programmes (CIMS).

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