MUNDEMBA, South West Region of Cameroon

Mundemba town is in the Southwest Region of Cameroon and it is the capital of the Ndian Division. It is also the headquarters of the Korup National Park.

Mundemba is predominantly the settlement for the Oroko people, but because of its economic and administrative importance, many of its residents are from other parts of the country including neighboring Nigeria.

Employment opportunities in the town are around agricultural (palm oil), trading, and the government employed, who are few anyway. The biggest employer here is the Plantations PAMOL DU CAMEROON, a large African Oil Palm plantation. The town also experience tourists visiting the much renowned Korup National Park. This park is located 8 km west of the town.

The town of Mundemba is accessible by road from Kumba, the capital of the meme division through Ekondo titi by cars and motor bikes. Public transportation to this area is done by specially adapted cars that run several trips daily according to how there are passengers. The situation of the public road to Kumba is usually horrible during the heart of the rainy season. At times the roads are impassable for a number of days. Transportation within the town is either on foot or by local motor bikes, referred to as bend skin or okada.

The distance from Calabar in Nigeria and Mundemba is relatively short, reasons why a lot of people embark on business between the two towns. The transportation of such goods to and from Calabar is done by wooden boats using propelling engines. It is possible to boat ride (from where the boats anchor before leaving to Nigeria) and go to the touristic town of limbe through the Rio del Rey mangroves. This is important to the bird watchers.

Electrical energy available here is supplied by the local AES/SONEL, the countries energy company, But the supply is done by petrol generators which cannot supply the whole town with electrical energy. For this reason, the energy is ration between the two parts of the town. The countries water supply company, CAMWATER also supplies portable water to the population of this area.

There is the presence of the major mobile telecommunication providers in Cameroon MTN and Orange Cameroon respectively who also provide internet services through their specially designed portable hubs.

There is the presence of the forces of law and order, the Police station, Gendarmerie and Army barracks. No major commercial banks exist within Mundemba, the closest is in Kumba, but there are micro finance institutions where it is possible to carryout secured financial transactions as well as send or receive money within Cameroon through a money transfer system.

There is a public hospital in this town and also another hospital operated by the PAMOL plantations. There is no public pharmacy in the town but basic medication may be available at the hospital(s) and privately owned medicine stores.
A bi-weekly market exist in the town operating on Wednesday and Saturday, where local produce and goods are sold. Also, there are many provision stores in the town that sell daily basic commodities like: rice, milk, coffee, beans, biscuits, batteries, sardines, bottled water, etc).

There exist a local hotel, that tries to provide food in their restaurant based on previous arrangements. There are local eating places that serve Cameroonian food. In the evenings where a lot of the people come out to relax you can find street vendors selling roasted fish, pork meat, soya and goat meat. Bars exist that sell Cameroonian drinks, some Nigerian drinks and a few western drinks like red wine and Scottish whisky. All brands of Cameroonian, African and western music can be found in Mundemba.

In education, a Government nursery and primary school, a grammar and a technical high school, and a teacher's college are available in the town, with a few privately owned by individuals or a group of persons. A couple of religious denominations also exist in town.

The town is very hot especially during the dry season with a lot of mosquitoes found all over the town. One of the things that make the town interesting is the availability of bush meat, for those who like it.

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