NKONGSAMBA. Littoral Region of Cameroon


The town of Nkongsamba is situated about 200 kilometers away from Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon.

It is located between the Mbo plain and the mount Nlonako at the foot of the Manengouba Mountain. It is also a transit town between the Western High Plateau and the Highlands of the North West region with head quarters in Bamenda.

This town is a cosmopolitan town that integrates several people of diverse ethnic origins from various parts of the country.

The town inhabits mostly francophones, but, Pidgin English is widely spoken. This town has very fertile soils which greatly accounts for the fact that it is a great agricultural centre.

Cocoa, banana, pineapples, rice and plantations are highly cultivated in this town. Industries used exist in this town for the processing of coffee, rice and plywood industries but have long closed down for reasons not yet reconciled by the inhabitants. For this reason a 150 km railway use to link this town to Douala but it is no longer functional. It only exist as abandoned historical relics.

The road was constructed way back in the 20th century by the Germans, the first colonial masters of Cameroon and were used to transport agricultural products from this town to the sea port for transportation to European countries.

There are also tourist attractions in this town like the Manengouba Mountain, the twin lake (Male and Female lakes), the waterfalls of Ekom etc. Hotels, banks and money transfer agencies are present to facilitate business activities between this town and other neighboring towns like Melong, Manjo, Mbanga, Loum, Penja-Njombe etc.

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