by Tangwing Pius

Nkongsamba is a fast growing town found in the Moungo division of the littoral region of Cameroon. It has a population of over 100,000 inhabitants according to the 2005 national Census. Its main economic activity is farming with produce like coffee, oil palms, and bananas. It is situated between two mountains, the Mount Manengouba and Mount Nlonako.

The main local language spoken there is Mbo but other languages around are the Kaa and Baneka.
In 1911, the Germans completed the 172 kilometers railway that terminated at Nkongsamba. This railway served the local agricultural community by transporting their products to the Douala sea port for shipment to other countries. When the 50 kilometers railway line from mbanga was closed, the town witnessed an economic decline. Also found in Nkongsamba is an abandoned airstrip.

Nkongsamaba serves as a passage where cars pass through from the nations economic capital, Douala and the South west region to other towns like Melon, Bafoussam, Dschang and Bamenda in the North west Region.

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