Sacred Heart College, Mankon, Bamenda, Cameroon


Situated along the Bamenda-Mankon airport road, Sacred Heart College, Mankon is a boarding secondary school for boys located in Bamenda, in the North West Region of Cameroon.

It was founded in 1961 by the Mill Hill missionaries. The first class of 30-odd students was started by Rev. Fr. Thomas Mulligan, at the campus of R.C.M Big Mankon (also the Bamenda Metropolitan Cathedral and the seat of the Arch Bishop of Bamenda), due to the lack of appropriate infrastructure. This was to cater for boys from Bamenda who passed the entrance examination into Sasse College Buea.

The first batch of students graduated in 1966, the same year when the Mill Hill missionaries handed over administration of the school to the Marist brothers. On the 8th of July in the same year, the college was officially inaugurated by Hon. Augustine Ngong Jua, the late former Prime Minister of West Cameroon. The high school science section was opened in 1978, with the arts department following suit a year later.

On the 2nd of May, 1972, the acting principal of the time, Rev. Brother John Phillips summoned a meeting of the alumni. Due to the regrettable absence of the ex-students at the 10th year anniversary, he aimed to organize an alumni association. A second meeting was quickly arranged on the 12th of June in the same year.

The first executive was formed, with Mr Ebot Ntui as the National President, and Mr. Ngwambe Fuh Gabriel as the Vice National President. This marked the birth of the official SHESA (Sacred Heart Ex-Students Association). The constitution was consequently drawn, with the main aim being promoting the teachings of the Alma matter, i.e. the pursuit of excellence in all fields, brotherhood, morals, sports, civic responsibility and academics.

Sacred Heart College Mankon has repeatedly performed exceptionally in all fields of human development. It has very often scored a perfect score in both the Cameroon G.C.E Ordinary and Advanced level. Due to astute moral training, students and ex-students have both developed a God-fearing and morally upright attitude.

The college is also very renowned for its singing, visitors coming from near and far to enjoy the singing during the holy mass celebration on Sundays. Sports and Athletics are additional fields of pride of the college, regularly participating with glaring Performances in sporting competitions.

Young boys have grown into mature men, being successful in all walks of life and in every part of the world.

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Aug 28, 2015
wonderful NEW
by: Anonymous

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Aug 28, 2015
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Jul 18, 2015
Awesome NEW
by: Sehnetia Thierry

Sa He Co Mankon is just the perfect place to be

Apr 18, 2015
The first batch of Students graduated in 1965 NEW
by: Mathias Fobi MD FACS.Anonymous

The first class graduated from Sacred Heart College in June of 1965.

Apr 18, 2015
The first batch of Students graduated in 1965 NEW
by: Mathias Fobi MD FACS.Anonymous

The first class graduated from Sacred Heart College in June of 1965.

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