
Bonduma Gate, Near the Community Hall
Bonduma Village - Buea
Southwest Region
P.O. Box 44
Southwest Region
+237 99 57 60 66
+237 74 50 57 91
+237 33 13 37 61
+237 33 07 74 61
Fax: +237 33 32 36 67

Social Development International (SDI) is a social development and relief organization which is not for profit, non governmental and non discriminating charity organization with the vision of working for the practical realization of sustainable social development initiatives by protecting the vulnerable and risky population and theircommunities.

SDI was formed in December 2005 with the aim of promoting social and economic transformation for the poor and under served population. To become agents of positive change irrespective of their nationality, class, color, race or social status; through personal transformation practices, social change training, education, advocacy, health, and charity. It is staffed by dedicated volunteers and sustained financially by individuals, organizations and foundations who support its mission.

The organization pays specific attention to women and youths who are the most vulnerable population with respect to inequality, discrimination, poverty and human rights abuse in our communities.

To facilitate the social and economic empowerment of the poor and vulnerable inhabitants in communities, enabling their participation in the process of building a more developed, integrated, egalitarian, peaceful and sustainable nation state.

To be considered the NGO that leads the best programs in Cameroon towards achieving respectful, generous, egalitarian, peaceful and sustainable communities, where the poor and most vulnerable have equal rights and personal integrity, and equal access to social, cultural and economic resources.

Social Risk, Vulnerability Awareness and Management: The activity's main goal is to foster community interest on social risk and vulnerability issues, problems and challenges and prepare people to stand up to eradicate social risk and vulnerability of societies at risk. Also, it creates a platform for refugees to discover and develop their potentials while working for safer and more secure cities.
Poverty Reduction: This aims to build the capacity of poor and middle income communities to design and implement effective poverty reduction strategies; customized "best practices" to leverage the resources of poor communities to
fight against the deprivation, vulnerability of powerlessness of poverty working within the frame work of poverty reduction strategy (PRS), during all stages/in analyzing and evaluation of specific set of poverty reduction policies
and activities. Economic initiatives
include land, labor, capital development, entrepreneurial and technological initiatives to solve unemployment.

The Risky and Vulnerable Population: Activity assures the safety and maximizes the well-being of children and youth through the provision of services to prevent delinquency and abuse of children and youth. In addition, it promotes
women economic empowerment and aging and disable care and development.
Health and Society: It works for the health of mothers, children and their communities using networking and advocacy to strengthen local structures and institutions through collaboration, cross learning and enhance technical resources, strategies and exchange of volunteers in infant, maternal and child health, nutrition, family planning, HIV/AIDS, TB,
Malaria and infectious diseases.

Good Governance and Democracy: Our mandate here is facilitating the building and strengthening of civil society mechanisms and structures with requisite capacities to enable citizen participation in the management of Cameroon’s
development processes.

This aims to promote quality basic education and professional training for all, creating a society which upholds education as a way of development, particularly for the excluded, marginalized and disadvantaged population and their communities.
It has like goals, educates and sensitizes schools and communities on healthy environmental management practices.

Help children stay in School for a year: Social Development international (SDI) takes a more holistic approach to provide children with books, didactics, and uniforms, pay restrictive fees, and negotiate with schools to reduce and/or eliminate schools fees, train teachers and care givers with life and livelihood skills. Teachers will be trained in recognizing the behavioral problems associated with Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC). Caregivers trained in life and livelihood skills will be able to feed children and help them live.

Empower teen mothers through Education: Teen mothers in Cameroon face significant threats to their health and well being (HIV and AIDS pandemic, high rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), maternal morbidity and/or mortality. Teen pregnancy and motherhood are associated with many societal issues including, lower educational levels, family systems breakdown, child hawking, higher rates of poverty, social stigma and other poorer "life outcomes" in children of teen mothers. Teen pregnancy and child bearing increases daily.
ICT for Poverty eradication: Establishing a community ICT Training center for Children and youth in Bonduma,
Cameroon, to gain employable and life skills for livelihood, growth and sustainability.
SDI provides volunteering opportunities within its community & agriculture and socio-economic activities, as well as within other sustainable development activities carried out by its partners. The duration of the volunteer work is from 1 week to 18 months, any time throughout the year. Participants in our volunteer programs may come from any country in the world, regardless of race, color, religion, ethnic group, orientation, etc.
We offer a tailor-made service, arranging
individual, long-term volunteer placements across Cameroon. We match the skills of volunteers to the needs of locally
run projects that work towards poverty, hunger, illiteracy and unemployment reduction, risk management and sustainable development.

Community & Agriculture Activities These are activities that involve both mental and physical labor. They are directed towards community infrastructural development, agriculture and farm productivity, and environment and forest management.

• Community infrastructural development involves feasibility studies/research, construction and/or maintenance of health, water, roads, education & training facilities and infrastructures.

• Agriculture and farm productivity involves feasibility studies/research, planting, harvesting, preservation of produce, animal, live stock production and farm management.

• Environmental and forest management involves feasibility studies/research on forest, environmental education, training and management.
Socio – Economic Activities Under this, volunteers show their socio-economic concern by working with institutions
that promote social protection, risk management, community empowerment and growth, and social inclusion.

In such placements, volunteers engage in personal physical care, manual labour, training /teaching, administration, finance, development of working aids with local available resources, and participate in all social and recreational
activities of the placement site. Socio-economic activities include:

• Entrepreneurship & business development.
• OVC educational support.
• ICT schools and community connectivity.
• Teen and single mothers’ empowerment.
• Old and the aging care and support.
• Health education: HIV, TB, malaria, cancer.
• Women & youths micro credit.
Individual Sponsorship/Grants/Support: Individual donors who wish to get involved in a specific project or program are welcomed to volunteer for any time period they wish. As a donor you will receive periodic updates on the development of your project. Donors may even request a personal introduction to their beneficiaries.

Corporate Sponsorship/Grants/Support: Any firm can contribute to SDI's mission by supporting any or all of our current projects. All of our corporate donors may request SDI's latest financial information, quarterly status updates
on the development of the supported program(s), and an open invitation to meet the project beneficiaries. Additionally,donor corporations may choose to be mentioned in SDI fundraising events and promotional materials.

Donate Books, Computers & Other Educational Supplies: We accept used and new books, computers, pens, pencils,
erasers, notebooks, projectors, chalk boards, and any other items related to fighting illiteracy in communities.

All items may be mailed to:

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