Some Images of Limbe

by tangwing pius

Images of Limbe

Images of Limbe

Here are some images of the beautiful and friendly town of Limbe. Limbe is an oil town situated along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and pulls tourists from across the world. It's one of the best towns of the South West Region of Cameroon. The above pictures shows the coastline and some some streets.

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Nov 06, 2015
good post NEW
by: Atay

Here you like to shared beautiful images of Lime town which actually near about Atlantic Ocean and it known as best towns of the South West Region of Cameroon. Your experience with that town is also good. Therefore, You shared with us. Now i plan to visit that town in next coming Christmas Holidays. I hope i will must enjoy these moments. Any how, I'm trying to find online academic writing companies in australia but this site have great information about different areas of Cameroon.

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