THE AWING FONDOM of the North West Region of Cameroon

by Tangwing pius monji



THE AWING FONDOM of the North West Region of Cameroon

Welcome to the captivating realm of Awing, an enchanting fondom nestled in the North West Region of Cameroon. Awing, also known as Bambuluwing or Ndong Awing, is a place of awe-inspiring beauty and rich cultural heritage.

Situated amidst majestic mountains and undulating landscapes, Awing is a valley adorned with two flowing streams and embraced by the Ndop plain to the south. Located in the Santa sub-division of the Mezam Division, this fondom spans over 100km2 of land. Standing at an elevation of 1500 meters above sea level, Awing is part of the grass field region, with Mount

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Sep 06, 2015
I am proud of Awing
by: Nji Ghislain Ngufor

Awing is truly a place to be and i love it with all my heart. Am a proud son Awing village and will never have any regrets. Awing is my farther land and so shall it be my grate grand childrens land forever.

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