The Next Big Thing

by Eyong GUDDA Richard

My name is Eyong (GUDDA) Richard, I'm 21 and I'm a rapper from Limbe, South West, Cameroon. I got aware of the MTN Make the Music Contest very late and wasn't able to submit a track. I have been waiting for an opportunity to get my name towards higher heights but that hasn't proven easy for me. I believe I'm talented enough to be The Next Big Thing In Cameroon music.

For now I just keep holding my head high and hoping for the best. I believe what I need now is just an opportunity to be heard and everyone will know and understand what I am all about. My problem is how to get heard. That's why I'm writing here and hoping someone, anyone, sees it and understands there is enough unexploited talent hidden somewhere. I don't know how else to look for openings so I just settle for which ever means I can make ma self known. Here's ma number (679100000), and email ( I have tracks to be heard and I'd be waiting.

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Mar 27, 2016

by: M D

Keep up, GUDDA, and never give up on your dreams.

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