by Tangwing Pius



The befitting monument was unveiled by the President of the Republic of Cameroon Paul BIYA on Wednesday 19 February 2014. The monument was to commemorate the Reunification of Cameroon.
The magnificent structure consists of the logo of the celebration of the Independence of Cameroon as the central unit, built with concrete and metal cylinders.

Immediately after the official unveiling of the monument, President Paul Biya told the press that the monument was an homage to the efforts consented by the people of Cameroon to live in peace and prosperity.

The monument is located in the campus of the Governors office in Buea in the South West Region of Cameroon.

The Logo with a diameter of 5.4 meters and a total weight of two tons is an image produced in fiberglass, matching the shape of the globe. The map of Cameroon features at the center of this globe just above the coat of arms. The Logo shows Cameroon supported by two arms that are seemingly expert, in maintaining the unity of Cameroon. They have also been able to build a country that lives in peace within its borders, and with its neighbors by being open one on the other.

Peace is symbolized by a dove holding in its beak the peace plant overlooking the map of Cameroon at its upper end. The ten betted columns, whose height varies from 1.3m to 7m support the logo. These columns symbolize power, the dynamics of growth and emergence which are fundamentals to the economic, social and cultural development of Cameroon. Their total weight is 9.9 tons.

To showcase the cultural diversity of Cameroon, a great work of art in the form of a mosaic made from glass paste inspired the cultures of the ten regions and the heritage of Cameroon, particularly through its variety, colour and dress trimmings. This depicts the story and the life of the country. The large wall painting portrays ten ancestors, benevolent deities of the four cultural areas of Cameroon (Sudano-Saharian area, Grass field areas, Fang-Beti area and the Sawa area).

At the centre of these cultural areas is an except in both French and English of the constitution of Cameroon, the base of the unitary state, which is one and indivisible.

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